New horizons in hearingWind Noise Attenuation system
The WIDEX UNIQUE hearing aid is loaded with all-new features, including improved A/D convertors for incredibly wide input range, a sound classifier for intelligent listening and the Wind Noise Attenuation system that dramatically reduces wind noise, leading to an SNR improvemet of 8.4 dB. But the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and Widex UNIQUE takes precision and performance to a completely new level in the way.
Captures more sound
WIDEX UNIQUE hearing aids capture all the sounds you need, from the highs to the lows, from the loud to the very quiet. No other hearing aid can provide you with such a wide range of comfortable, audible sounds.
Pure, clean sound
Only UNIQUE can reduce unwanted soft sounds and maintain useful soft sounds (such as quiet speech). And when you’re outdoors, UNIQUE significantly reduces wind noise, no matter what the conditions.
Anywhere, anytime
WIDEX UNIQUE hearing aids cleverly and quickly adapt to any situation you find yourself in. So you can easily separate speech from noise. And enjoy supreme sound in any environment.
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